
New Patient Forms

Save time when you come in for your appointment by completing your new patient paperwork ahead of time. This is completely optional, but having this filled out prior to arriving allows you to move through our waiting area faster and limit your exposure to COVID-19 by not having to touch shared clipboards or pens.

New Patient Info

This required form includes patient information, insurance, and emergency contacts.

Patient History

This form allows our doctors to properly assess your condition and determine a treatment plan.

Medical Records Release

Use this form to request another doctor’s office to send their records on you to our office.

HIPAA Notice

This notice highlights how we will use and store your medical records and what rights you have.

What To Expect

This handout goes into detail about what you can expect during our treatments.

Prepare For Treatment

This handout goes into detail about what you need to do to prepare for your appointment at ETVC.

Post Care Instructions

Thank you for having your treatment at East Tennessee Vein Center! We want to make sure the treatment has the greatest chance of success. Please follow our after care instructions carefully. Our staff will provide these after your appointment, but if you want another copy or you want to plan ahead, you can down them below too.


Download our post care instructions for EVLT treatments.


Download our post care instructions for Varithena treatment.

Spider Veins

Download our post care instructions for spider vein treatment.


Download our post care instructions for large varicose vein treatment.

Ambulatory Phlebectomy

Download our post care instructions for Ambulatory Phlebectomy treatment.

Worried about vein disease? We can help!

Take the first step to treat your pain today! Give us a call to setup an appointment.